Emotions: Let Them Rain

Emotions are feelings, such as happiness, love, fear, anger etc. which rise within us, caused by the situations we are in or the people we are with. “Its a subjective response to a person thing or situation”

It’s a conscious mental reaction, subjectively experienced and typically accompanied by physiological and behavioral changes in body. 

Emotions can cause strong physiological reactions like anxiety and disrupt your normal body functions. Emotions cannot be controlled but they must be managed to prevent further damage.



Emotions : Let them RAIN

RAIN is a powerful mindfulness practice tool, which lets you recognize  your emotional state, investigate it, nurture it and release it.

R : Recognize

The first step is to recognize the emotion you are experiencing.

Answer this question – “What do I feel?”  (Angry, hurt, depressed etc.)

Write down your answer. 

Then give it a degree (very angry, a little hurt etc.).

A : Acknowledge, Accept, Allow

The second step is to be with your emotion, Sit with it, let it fill you fully. Pause and give it time to say what it has to say to you.

I : Inquire, Investigate

Get curious. Investigate it with these questions

“What made me feel like this? What is this emotion trying to tell me? What other times have I felt this way? What thoughts and sensations are connected to this emotion? Who is the reason for this emotion to arise?”

Write down the answers again for all your questions.

N : Nurture, Release

Finally nurture the emotion, show yourself kindness, do not berate yourself with others expectations, look around you, look at the sky, look at the birds, look at things which make you feel joyful, list out things you would love to do and write them down, pamper yourself, sleep, take a walk, do anything to release the emotion

Remember EMOTIONS do not define you and you can choose what to do with them. Do not suppress them, release them with RAIN.

You CONTROL them

By doing the above exercise (RAIN) you will show your emotions that you control them. 

Start by emotionally detaching yourselves to triggers

Look closely into your love of the world, change it to love of hereafter (avoid indulgence)

Nutrition is yet another factor which can increase stress and anxiety. Nurture your body in the right way, such that its ready to fight unnecessary emotions.

Practice forgiveness (a big let go for emotions), follow the sayings of Prophet Mohammad for emotional situations like anger, jealousy, hatred etc.

Keep yourself busy with Dhikr (remembrance of Allah).


This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Fahad

    Nice work alhamdulillah 👍

  2. Fahad

    Nice work alhamdulillah

  3. Risetoshinequran

    Jazakallah khair

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